Corporate Social Responsibilities(CSR)
CSR is an abbreviation for Corporate Social Responsibility which indicates the social responsibility that a company should contribute. CSR is now widely known that companies should pursue not only profits but also take responsibility for their stakeholders.
As a local community member, each Nalux Group's companies are working to improve their corporate social responsibility through various activities such as legal compliance, protection of consumers and workers, conservation of the environment, respect for human rights, and community contribution.

CSR activities at NALUX
Conservation of regional environment
We have been certificated with environmental management system (ISO 14001). Under the standardized operation, we take observation and monitor the environmental burden in production activities based on our corporate environmental policy.
In addition, we cooperate in preserving the local natural environment through participation in local conservation volunteer activities.

Opening facilities and equipment to local groups and general users
As a member of the local community, we open our facilities and equipment to the public.
- Share the information and placement of AED pad equipment (Yasu Operation)
The location of life-saving equipment installed at our Yasu office is open to the public and can be used by general users outside of the company. - Opening the company parking lot to the public on holidays (Yasu Operation)
In response to the needs of local residents, local organizations, and support groups for handicaps, we are renting out the company parking lot during the holidays.
BCP system for disaster impact mitigation
To keep our responsibility as a supplier of optical products which are essential for people's lives, we are implementing a business continuity plan(BCP). In particular, we are actively promoting the disaster mitigation system that minimizes damage in the event of an emergency such as a natural disaster and trouble, ensures the safety of our employees, and prevents the stagnation of production activities.
Examples of Nalux's BCP initiatives
Estabilish of the safety and health committee
Installation of water barrier plates and river monitoring systems at production plants and offices
To minimize damage in the event of heavy rain or flood, we have introduced a system that monitors the water level of surrounding waterways in real-time, and we have installed water barrier plates to reduce damage to production facilities and to quickly restart operations after a disaster.

Implementation of disaster drill
We held regular disaster drills, and each training are specified various emergency situation.
-extinguish fire or evacuate from earthquakes
-dranage training in the event of heavy rain or flood
Some of trainings have jointly conducted with local communities.

Introduction of an safty status reporting service.
As part of BCP activities to ensure the safety of our employees and their families in the event of a disaster, we use a safety status reporting service to grasp the safety status of our employees and their families when an earthquake strikes.
Else, we are implementing BCP activities such as organizing the environment for disaster mitigation and ensuring the safety of employees in the event of an emergency.
Supply chain management and initiatives related to the provision of safe and secure products.
Nalux Group has established standards of responsible production and procurement to promote safe and fair transactions.
Under the organized operation, we take surveys at the begging of transactions. Also, we conduct regular audit activities and respond to required survey requests from customers.
- Green procurement standards/Standards for Management of Contained Chemical Substances.
- Basic policy against anti-social forces
- Implementation of responsible mineral procurement
- Preliminary surveys on export restrictions before the international transaction.
Provisions on Corporate Social Responsibility
Nalux Group Japan (Nalux Co., Ltd., Nalux Holdings Corporation, and Nalux Precision Glass Co., Ltd. ) adhere to the "Guidelines for Responsible Corporate Behavior" formulated by JAPAN Electronics and Information Technologies Association (JEITA), and the "Guidelines for respond activities to misconduct in Research Activities" formulated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan. Under the compliance of these guidelines, we have established internal regulations regards to corporate social responsibility.。
- Contact window for consultation regarding misconduct in research activities.
Nalux Group Japan (Nalux Co., Ltd., Nalux Holdings Corporation, and Nalux Precision Glass Co., Ltd.) strive to prevent misconduct in research activities and take an appropriate approach against misconduct. We have set up a contact window below.
Community jointly education and opening an office for social studies field trips
We accept social studies field trips and work experience programs for elementary schools and junior high schools in the local area. We also support them to create supplementary reading books on social studies. We contribute to out-school education for local elementary and junior high school students through these activities.