2023.04.03 Announcement of acquisition of business
NALUX Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) hereby announces that the Company acquired the Optronics division business of COLCOAT CO., Ltd. (COLCOAT CO., LTD.) who runs this business in Japan and in the Kingdom of Thailand, as of March 31, 2023, as detailed below.
【How the transfer and acquisition of the above business is carried out:】
-Optronics Division of COLCOAT CO., Ltd. : Business transfer (except a specific part of business and product) to the Company
-COLCOAT (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. : Whole 100% shares transferred to the Company
As we, the NALUX Group, are determined to strive to meet the customers’ needs and requirements under the new organization, your continued support and guidance will be highly appreciated.
【Inquiries on the above issue:】
NALUX Co., Ltd.
General Affairs Section
TEL: +81-75-963-3456
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